Andrea De Luca - Co-Founder & CEO, Flusso.

“Breathe. Relax. And do what needs to be done.”


Andrea, why did you start Flusso? 

In this order:

Impact - I wanted to experience the journey from having an idea to seeing people benefitting from it. Which I have not quite seen yet at the scale I would like, hence why I am still here.

Learning – I was hoping to learn a lot in the process…which I am doing, hence why I am still here.

Money – there is always a money component, whoever says the opposite is lying. But it was more of a hope and definitely not the driving factor given how slim the chances are to make money out of a startup (said the guy who was lucky enough to go through an exit).


Is it more about the journey or the destination? 

Clearly the journey. Also because the destination is always moving for me. When I reach a point I am already thinking about the next one, and so on … there is no final destination as such. There is always something more that can be achieved.


When things get tough, what do you do?

Breathe. Relax. And do what needs to be done.

Do you crave certainty?

Who does not?! But does it really exist? 

Has founding a business changed you?

Probably yes. This is what my wife says. I am not sure how. I probably would have changed anyway somehow even if I was doing something else.


What do you need, now?

The first two things that come to mind are in this order:

A sabbatical year - which is more of a dream actually.

Time - Time to do what needs to be done. Unfortunately, there are no ‘time shops’ though …


Jim Brown - Founder and Head Coach - Ground+Air.


Oliver Powe - Co-Founder, Acid Running.