DPW/Amsterdam | Event Identity

Energising an ambitious procurement community.

Defining a conference crowd as the architects of a brighter future.


Concept Creation & Creative Direction.

Brand Language & Copywriting.

Event Production: Simone Heeremans

Motion Graphics: Level-V

Static Graphics: Project V Studios

VJ Experience Design: AKONE


DPW/ is the heart and soul of the progressive procurement community, with numerous sub brands and initiatives under the group umbrella. Every year DPW/ hosts the sector’s leading global conference, bringing together the procurement ecosystem’s thought-leaders, evangelists and visionaries. 17days built the original brand identity for DPW/ and was invited to define and oversee the DPW/Amsterdam brand identity alongside a brilliant team of designers, animators, filmmakers and event producers.

DPW/Amsterdam’s True Story.

Procurement is evolving from a cost-control centre to an innovation engine. Those in procurement can see the future – a new era where organisations fully embrace the real impact procurement can have on growth, culture and sustainability. There is a feeling in the air that ‘the time is now’ amongst those that ‘know’. When creating themes and narratives for big community experiences, it is always more motivating to put the people at the heart of the message, rather than the product. This led 17days to the line ‘We are what procurement has been waiting for’. And the simple concept of the ‘pulse’ of that community as the heartbeat of the event.


The core ‘pulse’ concept inspired every element of the event identity and experience, from manifesto movie to big-screen motion graphics to live VJ (video jockey) animation. One simple, confident, memorable brand mark stood at the centre of everything and made the DPW/Amsterdam community feel part of something alive, kicking and all about them. The conference sold out. The energy was unprecedented. And people were even clamouring to buy the t-shirt worn by event staff. What better sign is there that the message made a connection.

“"17days helped us create a narrative and visual experience that completely disrupted the procurement sector. The brand experience created so much pride and passion across our community. We even had people wanting to buy our t-shirts ;)”

Matthias Gutzmann. Founder, DPW/.


Virgin Active


Zahra Bahrololoumi