DPW/Amsterdam | Conference Theme & Visual Identity

Helping the next-gen procurement community Make Tech Work.

Creating an experience that genuinely helps move business forward.


Concept Theme, Strategy & Name.

Visual Identity & Creative Direction.

Brand Language & Copywriting.

Website Consultation & Copywriting.

Content Creation.

Motion Graphics: Level-V.

Graphic Design & Production: Karim Youssef (In-house).

Event Production: Simone Heeremans.


DPW/ is the heart and soul of a fresh, disruptive and ambitious community that is fired up to reinvent procurement. Every year DPW hosts the sector’s leading global conference, bringing together big blue chips and a new breed of super-smart ProcureTech startups. 17days built the original brand identity for the DPW/ mother brand and was subsequently invited to create the theme for DPW/Amsterdam2023. We honed in on a very simple call to action: Make Tech Work.

Make Tech Work’s True Story.

Conferences often put a lot of emphasis on ‘inspiring keynotes’ and ‘visionary thought leadership’. The reality is, this kind of content typically has no immediate and easily-actionable value. DPW’s community described other conferences as ‘echo chambers’. They wanted an event that would genuinely help them make a powerful next step. DPW is home to the world’s largest portfolio of ProcureTech startups and experts, who were given the clear direction to help every event attendee, Make Tech Work.


Make Tech Work was the core of the brief given to all event speakers, panel hosts, workshop facilitators and startup exhibitors. It was the benchmark by which presentations were evaluated and the red thread that was encouraged in every conversation. And, of course it came to life through a raw and retro event identity that captured the very practical nature of the theme, with solid moving parts coming together to create something bright and tangible. Make Tech work ran through every event touchpoint, from website, content and social media to environmental design and merchandise.

One event attendee was overheard saying, “This theme absolutely nails what we are looking for. We’ve all experimented with tech. We’ve failed. We’ve gone again. And what we need now is not more long-distance projections on where AI will take us in 30 years, but real and practical solutions that enable us to Make Tech Work, now!”

“"17days created a theme and narrative that perfectly captured the mindset and needs of our ambitious procurement. Make Tech Work was so on-the-money we may make it the ongoing essence of the core DPW brand.”

Matthias Gutzmann. Founder, DPW/.




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