Producer | Brand Storytelling & Visual Identity.

Launching a standout production platform for the filmmaking community.

Building a product with soul.


Brand Positioning.

Value Proposition Narrative.

Sub-Product Naming, Terminology & Verbal Identity.

Visual Identity & Brand Guidelines (Crush).

Launch microsite (Crush).

Brand Roll-out (incl. Merch, Social Comms, Events)

Ongoing brand & marketing support


Producer is the brainchild of a passionate crew of highly-experienced film makers and code junkies. Xaver Walser, Paul-Emile Joëssel and Patrick Lambertz’ own experience in the film industry revealed a gap in the market for a digital platform that could streamline and supercharge the entire film production process, from moodboard to publication and everything in between. We live in a time where moving image content is king: Streaming platforms are powering an unprecedented level of entertainment production. Big businesses are investing in branded content across a mass of digital publishing touchpoints. And social media algorithms are encouraging even the smallest marketing teams to get to grips with film. Producer would be the ultra-helpful production platform for everyone, not just the movie-making cognoscenti.

Producer’s True Story.

Film making is more than a process. It’s a creative endeavour with the power to capture imagination, unlock emotion and change behaviour. The founders wanted Producer to be a platform with soul - much more than a helpful tool to drive efficiency. Producer would be a place the filmmaking community would want to call home. An intuitive and inspiring hub, with everything they need, all in one place. 17days defined this community as ‘Makers’ and Producer as the machine that would unite and empower them.

Digging deep into the culture of Greek theatre and storytelling, we discovered the concept of ‘deus ex machina’ – a plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem in a story is suddenly and abruptly resolved by an unexpected and unlikely occurrence. Producer is exactly that occurrence – the solution to a previously unsolvable problem. With this in mind, the essence of the Producer brand was born: ‘Maker Machina.’ And from it, a visual and verbal identity that celebrates what can be achieved when creative souls and powerful machines work together.


Producer is at Series-B stage. The founders are touring the world, demo-ing the platform, securing investment and gathering a community of early-adopter, beta-phase Producer users aka those that ‘Trust In The Machine.’ The film industry’s heads are being turned by a brand that stands out in a sea of digital platforms that prioritise ‘features’ in their marketing over the culture and ambitions of the community they must seduce.  

““You completely understood our vision, ambition and the personality we wanted at the heart of Producer.  This was inspiring work that elevated everything and went well beyond our expectations. Thank you for your passion and commitment.”

Xaver Walser, CEO & Co-Founder, Producer.



