DPW | 2024 Theme

Defining the global campaign for DPW’s biggest year yet.

Creating a storytelling theme to drive international audience engagement.



Concept Theme, Strategy & Name.

Visual Identity (Crush) & Creative Direction.

Brand Language & Copywriting.

Web & Social Consultation.


Over the last 5 years DPW/ has been building its status as the thought-leadership hub for the world’s progressive procurement community. 17days built the original brand identity for the DPW/ mother brand and has led the creative development of DPW’s annual procurement event. In 2024, DPW is going global and needed a powerful storytelling theme and narrative for its biggest year yet. 17days was invited to help craft this global campaign, including naming, language and a visual identity that would roll out through live events, social content and merchandise.

The 10X True Story.

Together with DPW we honed in on the theme of exponential growth as the foundation of the global campaign. We explored the latest thinking around the bold mindset, organisational behaviours and transformative technologies that would enable a business to achieve such growth. By making exponential growth accessible and actionable for the growing DPW procurement community we would be delivering on DPW’s core value proposition, to help procurement Make Tech Work.

17days defined the language that would be used consistently throughout DPW/10X, including references to ‘AI and a Moonshot Mindset’ and the shift from ‘Incremental to Exponential Impact’. A huge part of DPW’s value lies its convening power - the ability to bring together and spark collaboration between thought-leaders, startups and big business. With the phrase ‘We Are 10X’ we highlighted the role of the community in exponential growth and flattered the community in one breath.

A bold visual identity followed, featuring endlessly growing ‘X’ marks backed by super-bright colours. The identity was designed to be easy to use, instantly recognisable and hugely versatile across static and animated comms, particularly social media.


DPW’s biggest, boldest year yet is well underway and the 10X campaign theme is the gift that keeps giving, putting a progressive spin on all of DPW’s storytelling. In May the 10X will hit North America through DPW’s inaugural procurement micro-event in NYC, before returning home to Amsterdam late 2024, for the annual community gathering.

“2024 is a massive year for DPW. We are home to the world’s most ambitious procurement community and we constantly challenge ourselves to maximise engagement with content and experiences that truly help our audience Make Tech Work. 17days is a rock-solid source of inspiration, sharp strategic support and great creativity as we go global”.

Matthias Gutzmann. Founder, DPW/.



